Quarterly Free Medical Services.
The NAS Medical Mission has a mission to reach a significant population of indigent Nigerians needing medical help in specifically targeted rural communities. The objectives also include health education awareness.
The medical mission features medical and dental consultation/ treatment, Hypertension and Diabetic screening as well as blood donation and HIV screening. The treatments offered are on the spot and mainly cover non-referral ailments. Patients diagnosed of more serious ailments or that require in-patient care are referred to an appropriate Medical Centre.
Community centres, village halls, hospitals and health centres are used as venue for the free
medical mission. This ensures that the services gets to the grassroots. Traditional rulers and village councils are involved.
The relevance of free medical missions in an environment where over 70% of the population who live in poverty pay their medical bills from their pockets cannot be overemphasized.
How the Mission is Funded.
National Association of Seadogs largely funds the free medical mission through the annual subscription and donation by its members in 60 chapters spread across the world. Members also volunteer their professional services: doctors, nurses, lab technicians, dentists, oculists, etc.
17 Medical Missions in 4 Years
So far, 10 medical missions have taken place in four geo-political regions of the country with a total of 2763 patients benefitting.